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Opener Gerry Beck Gives The Command Doug Kalitta Terry McMillen TFD O'Reilly Northwest Nationals 2011
Terry McMillen Doug Kalitta Final SessionTFD MacTools US Nationals 2011.mpg
Doug Kalitta vs Terry McMillen at the US Nationals
Hot Rod Fuller Doug Kalitta Paul Gets a Little Confused TFD Rd2 Eliminations Mile High Nationals 2011
Jason Line Greg Anderson PS Final O'Reilly Northwest Nationals 2011.mpg
Tony Pedregon 500th Rnd Win Jeff Arend Jack Beckman Interview FC Rnd1 O'Reilly Northwest Nationals 2011
Ron Capps Johnny Gray FC Rnd1 O'Reilly Northwest Nationals 2011.mpg
Doug Kalitta NHRA New England Nationals
Kalitta Motorsports Taking Off
Doug Kalitta Steve Chrisman TFD RD1 Sonoma Nationals Sonoma Ca 2014
Doug Kalitta and the No. 50 Top Fueler launching from the track perspective
Doug Kalitta.MPG